Lawmakers Beware - Elections are Coming!
The Heritage Foundation reports that the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) before the U.S. Senate has a previously unnoticed provision that would disarm America’s state and local police in the war against terrorism. Way to go on border security, Mr. President!
If you want to know how your Senators are voting on the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill and its various proposed amendments, click here. It seems our elected officials have handed lawmaking over to agribusiness once again, as they did in the 1980s and 1990s immigration reform that killed off both US and Mexican small farmers and accelerated the flood of Mexican illegal immigrants into the US. It turns that this new immigration bill is just another Orwellian untruth from the administration, and it turns out that this bill is just another spending program we can't afford.
The one thing our Senators -- both Republicans and Democrats -- can't seem to get through their heads is that the citizens want the borders closed now (although there are a few people open to annexing Mexico instead). The polls show that the overwhelming majority of US citizens want the government to close the border, get a true head-count of the illegals currently employed in the United States as well as a true head-count of the illegals consuming health and welfare benefits at public expense, and then figure out such issues as "earned citizenship" from illegal entry and the actual long-term costs to the taxpayers to continue giving multinational employers ever cheaper and cheaper labor.
As Senator Sessions has pointed out, we can have "guest worker" without making law-breaking a path to citizenship. Now that the Enron trials are over, the Justice Department could focus on prosecuting employers breaking exisiting immigration laws -- the only sure way to stem the flow of illegal border crossing. Our National Guard helping out in border control could be allowed to bear arms to protect the US.
Of course, we can't depend on politicians to pay attention to voter polls. The current crop of Senators are betting we'll all forget what they did on 2006 "immigration reform" and who paid them to do it before they stand for reelection in 2008. It's up to voters to let our Senator know we still have long-term memory, that we are watching their votes and their campaign contributions. It's up to voters to follow up by contacting our Congress people now so they don't forget their jobs are on the line in November 2006 if they "compromise" us into another hairbrain scheme. Let's try funding enforcement of current immigration laws, something Mr. Bush and the Republican Senate has consistently failed to do since 2001, before we open the borders to another 50 million Mexican immigrants.
If, as they probably will, our elected officials place their own self-interest in getting big-business campaign contributions ahead of the interest of the people they are sworn to represent, what's a citizen to do? Here's a little reminder from the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Join the "Nationwide Term Limits Parade" on November 7, 2006. Register now to vote against any incumbent who votes against your interest!