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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Did I blink? Did Mexico Annex the US?
If you snooze, you lose, they say. I'm happily going about my business, secure in the knowledge that our elected officials will, through much debate in the seats of power, figure out how to manage the immigration problem.

Then I wake up this morning to find out that Vincente Fox is now in charge of US immigration policy. He's out campaigning for open borders with such noteworthy politicians as California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican), former labor organizer and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Washington State Gov. Christine Gregoire (Democrat), and Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. (Republican) of Utah. Huntsman views the meeting important enough to call the Legislature into Special Session for the ocassion. According to Fox News, Vicente Fox "...also plans to get his cowboy boots dirty traipsing around a farm where Mexicans work in Washington state." (I know they're low on manpower, but do you think Immigration has enough warning they can raid the place?)

Color me confused? Did we Annex Mexio, or did Mexico Annex the US? Whichever way the annexation went, I'm voting for Vincente Fox in 2008. That's one cowboy with boots to match the hat, although I still don't see any horse. He may not be running for President of Mexico again, but term-limited Vincente is campaigning for an economic union. I'm hoping he'll let the US states north of the current border be part of the action. Maybe Vicenete will even let us Norte Americanos have jobs in Mexico.

Under the red-state's president's economic policy, the United States' national debt grows by the minute, we're down 7.1 million "payroll jobs" since 2001, China builds first Toyota Cambry, Ford Motors will close two plants, and GM laid off a few hundred more "payroll jobs" workers (gonna get another 30,000 and 12 plants by 2008).

Those "payroll jobs" are the ones that pay into Social Security to support us aging Baby Boomers after 2010. Oh well. Do I still get 40 acres and a mule in Cancun?